
Vizor Software

Vizor is an acknowledged global leader with 20+ years of industry experience aiming to simplify complex regulatory and tax reporting challenges through comprehensive out-of-the-box solutions.

Acknowledging that they had a complicated offering, Vizor wanted to create a more user-friendly, intuitive site that presented dense, complex information in a clear and engaging way.

Through close collaboration a dynamic website was created that met the key project objectives including:

Transforming Vizor’s digital marketing into the main driver of lead generation and nurturing activities through digital platforms and content-led campaigns.

Delivering an outstanding brand & interactive online experience that reflects the status of Vizor Software within the market.

Introducing a new content strategy.


Lead Designer UX/UI

Secondary Designer

Amy O’Brien

Live Website

Completed while working at kooba

UX Process

UX Process


Full analytics review

Current site performance

Current site pain points

Better user understanding and initial persona building data

Behavioural flow insights and user journey analysis

Hotjar Review

Key pages real-life data and behaviour review in conjunction with analytics

Similar Organisations review

Design Process

Design Process

We underwent a full UX audit starting with survey and interview findings and delving further into Analytics, Hotjar, Site performance and Form analysis. We observed that 87% of visitors were new and saw a high bounce rate at 80%, a reduced number of pages-per-session and a low session duration of 45 seconds. This information indicated that site engagement and flow were poor resulting in user dropoff.

We identified that 72% of users preferred desktop as their browsing device of choice and 26% preferred mobile. With this, we observe differences in mobile behaviour, with a 10% increase in bounce rate and a 50% decrease in session duration.

These metrics highlighted the difference in experience and ease of use between devices. Knowing this we began fact-finding missions with key stakeholders leading us to a deeper understanding of the product and where the major pain-points were.

The main goal was to present Vizors products with adequate information and in an easily navigable way that would ultimately generate leads and the biggest pain-point identified was that the lack of impression of Vizors product.

Pairing this goal with our UX findings we knew we needed to adjust the site structure to clearly reflect 3 solution funnels and align the navigation with each product's distinct aspects. After analyzing the user flow, we saw access to subpages was confusing and hidden behind clicks or within other pages. One example of this pain-point was within the RegTech section. From analytics we knew the RegTech and its 2 RegTech sub-pages were in the top-visited pages, however, the flow to these subpages was confusing. We needed a clear link between related sub-pages, otherwise, we would force users back to the top-level to proceed.

The solution came in the wireframes and then in the design with 3 clear funnels and a supporting navigation system. This approach was brought one step further with clear branding and distinction created for the 3 solution funnels.

Part of Vizors content strategy and improved user experience was reimagining the Resource area. This section needed to be visually attractive with the core information clearly displayed. We ensured the information was clearly signposted on the homepage and introduced an interactive element that allowed the user to decide what action would be taken. We also followed the 3 funnels logic, separating the content by streams and type of information, giving users full control of their next step.



One of the biggest visual improvements done on the site was the branding of each of the solution funnels. The sub-branding of each solution and in turn, each of the product subpages, allowed us to clearly identify a clear path for users. The biggest challenge with this approach was how to visually represent complex topics in a digestible way.

We decided to take an abstract approach here creating a total of 4 sub-brands. One brand for when we are talking about Vizor as a whole or an entity and then one for each of the 3 solutions. Careful creation of abstract visuals and graphics was done site-wide, pulling from the interlacing of the 'Z' from the Vizor logo to create a unique shape for each. This shape was then given colours and gradients which we expanded out into every aspect of the site. This use of colour and shape allowed us to clearly set up our navigation and solutions funnels and we brought this into every aspect to ensure the user could always identify which section of the site they were in. These sub-brands influence our hero banners, graphics, icons and even give each lead generation form its own unique brand depending on which button is clicked.



We can also see that the overall average bounce rate for the site dropped from 81.53% to 62.82%. This is a great result to see and again indicates that our improvements are having a significant impact on users. All of this is within the same 3 month period. Despite the site visually having more imagery, graphics and visuals we did not see any dip in site performance. In fact, we drastically improved it, raising the mobile score from 37 to 73 and desktop from 82 to 93 on google page speed insights. Overall the site not only is a great visual improvement but the results clearly show how it addressed our user problems and exceeded them.

For Vizor, this means that their digital hub is achieving its goals - generating more quality leads across business streams that knowledge in the industry and are confident that they want to engage with Vizor. The site now provides a clear, coherent, persuasive and flexible digital platform that is designed and built according to Vizor’s strategic insights and goals which are essential for sales growth.

Lead generation on nurturing YoY

• 286%+ increase on monthly average leads vs 2020

• Qualified leads – increased by 20%.

• Quality of leads – increased by 10% (using engagement scoring)