

DHGE work with healthcare professionals to ensure a healthier future driven by innovation. After our initial fact-finding and discovery workshop with the Project Lead, Social Brand Manager and Marketing specialist we compiled in-depth stakeholder and user surveys to find out key user goals, current pain points, level of satisfaction and future aspirations. Once we had developed this better understanding of the project we now knew one of the most important things for DHGE is to ensure their website is informative, easy to use and most important of all to increase sign-ups and enrolments.

Live Site



Lead Designer - UX/UI

Support - Josh Sharry

Completed while working at kooba

User Flow

User Flow

To ensure the user was being brought to the right course for them, we needed to make the flow as easy as possible. Right from the homepage, we introduced measures to split our user groups into key demographics by signposting each as an option right on-page visit. This allowed the user to be funnel to the right program types for them and also made it easy to access.

Mobile flow was key for us. We knew from research mobile accounted for the majority of our user base. With this we wanted to ensure this signposting and segmenting was visible and accessible within the first few scrolls. We also ensured our mobile menu system also had our primary action always visible.

We also included a way to segment are users into types of learning and interests. By doing so we allow the user to tailor the information and programs to their interests. This filtering was introduced to allow searching for programs on mobile a breeze by showing all information upfront.

Improved User experience

Improved User experience

A crucial part of any website we needed to ensure the experience of consuming the information was as simple as possible. Their old website relied heavily on text information and made it hard to quickly scan the important pieces of information. We learned from hotter user analysis where users were dropping off and what content they were most engaging with. This helped us drastically improve the program detail pages to ensure the best solution for each content type. We had to match a careful balance of providing enough information without the user losing interest. We knew users engaged with the content more than others, so to combat this we introduced a ‘sticky’ menu system that allowed users consuming content to quickly jump to and from the information that pertains to them. Along with this we also ensure that the key end goal of enrolment was always within reach by including a sticky call to action button on mobile.

Quick Enrolment

Quick Enrolment

The main goal of the website is always to increase the number of enrolments. The key problem we identified was there forms. They lacked form design best practices and had lots of pain-points. Our new user flow and ease of experience drove traffic to the forms faster and easier, but we needed to ensure they were also easy to complete. By introducing a simple 3 step process flow, linear forms and inline form progression, we were able to minimise the form drop-offs. The focus here was on mobile. Although we had to gather a lot of information, we made this experience more enjoyable by providing positive validation at every step but also in every field. This made the experience of filling in information much more enjoyable. By properly organising information types, we were able to split it into 3 simple steps rather than a wall of form inputs. Other subtle improvements to the input design and layout greatly improved the success rate of the form.
